Matches statistic
Matches played
5Win rate
56%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
5Win rate
56%Current streak (Old → New)
BO3 | AkenoHD | :DQ | YUSS | ||
BO3 | XeroDgX | DQ : | AkenoHD | ||
BO3 | Johnisadboy | 2 :1 | AkenoHD | ||
BO3 | AkenoHD | 2 :0 | Kaneki-Edge | ||
BO3 | AkenoHD | 0 :2 | CCo_Grimm |
Luis "AkenoHD" Figueroa is a Puerto Rican Dragon Ball FighterZ player known to participate in the Winter Clash 2021 tournament and ranked 25th place out of 95 entrants.