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  • Jason Cole
  • USA

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Jason "Afrocole" Isaiah Cole is a professional American fighting games player, game developer, game tester and gaming league pioneer.

Afrocole is known for making 1st place in the EVO 2002 tournament Street Fighter II Turbo event. He also loves travelling to esports events and Tech conventions, as he is of the idea that to build a vibrant fighting game community gamers should join local dojos and support each other by raking up experience and pooling resources to attend local and regional events. 

Afrocole mains Dhalsim with Guile secondary in Street Fighter, he also competes in Tekken 7, Mortal Kombat and Pokken Tournament DX.

Afrocole has earned a sum of $933.50 from a total of 7 tournaments, you can also check out him on Instagram and Twitch.