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  • Chase Kesicki
  • USA

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Chase "ADDICT" Kesicki, formerly known as "Weeaboo" is a fighting games competitor from the USA. Their key disciplines are Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, where they main Inkling. ADDICT is also known to play Guilty XX Accent Core Plus R

The first known competitive experience of ADDICT refers to Smash Station #130 (Smash Ultimate) in 2018, where they took 17th place. The following year, Kesicki played at Smash Ultimate High Ground 4, GameWorks Presents - Weekend Warmup (SSBU) and TVSERIES OVA Episode 51 | Off-Season (SSBU), where they took the 5th place. In 2020, ADDICT competed in King of the Code (SSBM). 

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