Matches statistic
Matches played
3Win rate
25%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
3Win rate
25%Current streak (Old → New)
7:40 PMBO1 | Sebasqv | :DQ | Abel Howlett | ||
7:20 PMBO1 | Lilo | DQ : | Abel Howlett | ||
7:00 PMBO3 | Hokuto | 2 :0 | Abel Howlett |
Abel Howlett is a Fighting Game Player and Commentator from Mexico. He plays titles such as Dragon Ball FighterZ, Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2, Street Fighter V, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
He has competed in several tourneys including Bit Master Mty - 2nd Strike, BIG BANG V (León Gto.), CPT Online 2018 LATAM North 1, Torneo SFV CompaFighters Online, and Thunderstruck 2018 - 2019 but was disqualified from matches at Capcom Pro Tour Online 2020 Central America 1.