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.38 Down Special

  • Joseph Vail
  • USA

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Joseph ".38 Down Special" Vail is Super Smash Bros. Ultimate competitor from St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. His main in SSBU is Wolf

Vail debuted in the competitive Smash at The Counterpick... but Digital, cuz Snow in April 2019. Since then, he has become a regular at The Counterpick, notably, taking 9th place at The Counterpick #21 in 2019. 

.38 Down Special has also participated in a number of SSBU events in 2019 and onwards, particularly in: Papercut (33 place in singles), GameWorks Showdown: Mall of America Qualifier Week 2 (7th place), Smash'N'Splash 5, Overextend (49th place in singles), The Big House 9, Mega Smash Mondays Online 32, Ultimate @ Xanadu Online 383 and others. 

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