Matches statistic
Matches played
9Win rate
76%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
9Win rate
76%Current streak (Old → New)
3:48 AMBO3 | HuanJing | 2 :1 | 36 (CN) | ||
3:47 AMBO3 | Bruce_Law | 0 :2 | 36 (CN) | ||
3:46 AMBO3 | Naochann | 0 :2 | 36 (CN) | ||
3:44 AMBO3 | 36 (CN) | 2 :0 | DarkFeather | ||
3:41 AMBO1 | sh100c | 0 :1 | 36 (CN) | ||
3:37 AMBO3 | 36 (CN) | 2 :0 | Whitesnow | ||
3:31 AMBO1 | 36 (CN) | 1 :0 | gguouan | ||
3:13 AMBO3 | Bruce_Law | 2 :0 | 36 (CN) | ||
3:04 AMBO3 | 36 (CN) | 2 :0 | tera_jackass |
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