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ValhallaQuest: Brawlhalla Battle Pass Season 7 is here

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ValhallaQuest: Brawlhalla Battle Pass Season 7 is here
Pic Source: Brawlhalla on Twitch
The final reveal and start of the journey

It is pretty easy to agree — this was the most unusual and super exciting way to introduce a new Battle Pass Season in Brawlhalla. Everything started with vague hints on the official Twitter accounts. The first clear details were revealed during last week’s Tuesday Dev Stream. And then, we had a week-long series of extra reveals made by prominent Brawlhalla content creators. Did you watch them?

The final point in this introduction was another Dev Stream. It happened a day before the Battle Pass Season 7 launch. So, let’s enjoy the video!

ValhallaQuest | Final Reveal of Brawlhalla Battle Pass Season 7

The Brawlhalla crew has shown some really cool cosmetic items we all can get with the Battle Pass progression. And also, the stream reveals:

  • a new stage, Shorwind Fishing Port
  • a new game mode, Dice and Destruction — players roll the dice during a Brawlhalla match, and something random and unusual happens, like bombs falling from the sky or the Legends suddenly getting disarmed

And about the release date — Battle Pass Season 7 has already started!

The newest Brawlhalla Patch brings an interesting experimental feature — signature reworks for:

  • Vector (Down Signature)
  • Isaiah (Side Signature)

These changes are experimental, so they are available only in custom rooms or in lab matches.

What about all those Battle Pass reveals? You can find a link to them on this official page

With the recently announced schedule of Brawlhalla Esports Year Eight, we have lots of amazing activities to enjoy within the game.

And sure, let’s not forget about many community events, such as the recent tournament Moose Wars, Moose Mania.

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