UltraDavid is Leaving UltrachenTV

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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UltraDavid is Leaving UltrachenTV
After about a decade, the iconic Tuesday show will be coming to an end

Yesterday, David 'UltraDavid' Graham announced on the UltrachenTV Twitch channel that he would be leaving the iconic Tuesday show. After 100s of episodes that have spanned about a decade, the FGC player and commentator has decided to leave the show along with Brandon "Tuboware" Brockman

The reason given was that David is about to start a new job that will not enable him to comment on certain potentially sensitive topics within the FGC. As for Brockman, he stated that he also had plans to partially retire from the FGC. 

Therefore, the Tuesday show will be gone, but there is hope that it might perhaps be replaced with something else. James Chen noted that while David and Brandon will be gone, he has been thinking of new ideas and perhaps even new co-hosts to run the show with. 

The news came as a surprise to many, but there was nothing but congratulatory messages for the trio, and hope that we get to see them all in some capacity or the other. 

David's reason for leaving

It does seem that there is a space for fighting game podcasts and while we are sad to see the Ultrachen Tuesday show end, we can enjoy what they have done so far and also check out a couple of other people doing something similar. You can check out the podcast, Triple K.O. hosted by Matt McMuscles, Maximilian Dood, and Justin Wong.

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