Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Fans Added Over 50 New Chars to the Game

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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Fans Added Over 50 New Chars to the Game
Source: Capcom
The title continues to occupy an essential place in even 11 years after its release

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, despite more than a decade since its release, still holds an essential place in the competitive scene and the hearts of fans. Today, we learned about one of the greatest proofs of the community's love for this title with the release of the UMVC3 Community Edition Trailer.

Many talented creators have teamed up to present a massive addition to the game's base roster, including over 50 new fighters.

In the preview video below, you can see some of the upcoming updates, including Asura, Dan Hibiki, Leon S. Kennedy, Gene, Rashid, Guile, Sakura, The Thing, Thanos, Rogue, Spider-Gwen, Nero and much more:

According to the creators, several of the characters will become available for download soon, and the release of the entire pack will have to wait a little longer:

This pack is a free mod for the basic version and has yet to have an exact release date. And we are really delighted and optimistic with the amount of work that has been done. Looking forward to release day!

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