UFA 2023 Releases Teaser Video with November Date

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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UFA 2023 Releases Teaser Video with November Date
Europe's Premiere fighting game event will be back again this year

The Ultimate Fighting Arena is one of the biggest tournaments in Europe and has a great tradition of bringing us incredible matches and an amazing atmosphere. 

With the advent of Street Fighter 6, UFA have announced that they will be returning in 2023

Last year was a great time especially for Street Fighter V where EndingWalker emerged as the winner defeating Valmaster in Grand Finals and it is safe to say this was the tournament that truly brought EndingWalker to the attention of the global FGC. Since then he has only grown more and more and has attended more events like Topanga World Championship and Evo 2023

The date given is November 2023 which was around the same time it held last year in Paris, France

It is possible it will take place in the same place once more. The event is sure to be exciting with all the fighting games that will be on display and all the great players that will be in attendance. 

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