Topanga Championship 5 Announced For Street Fighter 6

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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Topanga Championship 5 Announced For Street Fighter 6
The first Topanga championship for the new game

The Topanga Championship, one of Japan's most prestigious fighting game tournaments is back again for the 5th edition. The tournament has grown larger this time around as it will have 27 players, 24 of them invited while the remaining three will have to qualify to make the main event. 

The invited players include:

  • Tokido
  • Itazan
  • Kawano
  • Fuudo
  • Daigo
  • John Takeuchi
  • Gachikun
  • Momochi
  • Pugera
  • Moke
  • Kazunoko
  • Bonchan
  • Mizuha
  • Mago
  • Kakeru

The other players will be announced on the 5th of June. 

The preliminaries will start from the 8th of June and the main event will start from the 20th of June 2024. 

This will be the first ever Topanga for Street Fighter 6 and the players will be desparate to win as the prestige of winning Topanga in Japan is huge. 

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