Tokido Wins At Battle Arena Melbourne For Street Fighter 6

Femi Famutimi
2 min

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Tokido Wins At Battle Arena Melbourne For Street Fighter 6
The legend pulled the ultimate switcheroo

Tokido was victorious at Battle Arena Melbourne (BAM) for Street Fighter 6 defeating Tachikawa in Grand Final 3-1 to win his first tournament of 2024. Tokido has placed highly in a lot of Street Fighter 6 tournaments but was missing from Capcom Cup for the last two editions and while he made top 6 at Evo 2023, he seems to still be coming to terms with the game. 

Battle Arena Melbourne saw a lot of Japanese representation as it was also a stop for the Esports World Cup qualifier with a place in the finals going to the top 2 at BAM. Because of this, a large contingent of Japanese players flocked to Australia which is much, much closer to Japan than the United States, to try and get a chance to qualify. With the results, Tokido and Tachikawa are also going to be at the EWC. 

Top 8 At BAM 2024

  • 1. Tokido
  • 2. Tachikawa
  • 3. Bonchan
  • 4. Xian
  • 5. John Takeuchi
  • 5. FREESER
  • 7. SURINI
  • 7. Sole

In a rather humorous turn of events, Tokido had stated to fans that he had plans to use Akuma throughout the tournament as this is the character everyone expects him to use moving forward in Street Fighter 6. He then did an about-face and used Ken instead catching everyone by surprise including his Grand Finals opponent, Tachikawa who posted a tweet saying he had practised for Akuma all through and was shocked when Tokido didn't use him at all. 

With this win behind him, Tokido can now prepare for Topanga Championship and Street Fighter League Japan both of which will take off in July 2024. 

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