Tickets for ARC World Tour Finals 2023 Now Available

Sebastian Quintanilla
1 min

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Tickets for ARC World Tour Finals 2023 Now Available
Don't miss out on the chance to watch the ending of the 2023 ARC World Tour for Guilty Gear -Strive- and Grandblue Fantasy Versus: Rising

Tickets for the much-awaited finals of the ARC World Tour 2023 circuit have now gone on sale with an early bird discount starting at $10 USD and upwards to $99. At this time, TempestNYC is leading the standings for Guilty Gear -Strive- with 200 points. Following behind are Leffen, Jonathan Tene, Daru, Verix, Zando, PepperySplash, Leo, Slash, and GOBOU to round the top 10.

Alongside the Guilty Gear -Strive- and Grandblue Fantasy Versus: Rising brackets, a side bracket will also be for the upcoming UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH II [Sys:Celes].

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