This Smash Player's Coach Framed His Win Over Hungrybox

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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This Smash Player's Coach Framed His Win Over Hungrybox
A moment to remember forever

There are moments you cherish forever and when you defeat one of the biggest names in the Smash Community in tournament, that is something worth commemorate in one way or the other. 

This was the case with a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate player, Wampty, who defeated Hungrybox at the recent Sundown Series #52 and was so excited about it that he posted on his X (formerly Twitter) account about the feat. 

He wasn't the only one pleased with the win though and Wampty would later reveal that even his highschool esports coach was so proud of the moment that he had the result laminated. 

He showed this off on X; a short, 4-second, video of the coach opening a special looking folder and there was his 3-1 win over Hungrybox. 

Wampty went on to take 4th spot at the tournament losing to eventual winner Butterkix and Lynxical, but with a very respectable showing for all his efforts. 

The Sundown Series is hosted by Team Ultra and is an online tournament for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate which brings some of the best players in the game together to butt heads. 

You can check out the VOD for the tournament's top 8 below. 

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