Tekken 8 Opencritic Scores

Elizbar Ramazashvili
1 min

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Tekken 8 Review Scores
The game is a major critical success

The embargo on Tekken 8 reviews was lifted today, and the Internet was flooded with the reviews and scores for the newest Bandai Namco fighting game. We were among those who reviewed the game, you can watch our video below.

Jugding by all the scores the game is receiving, it’s a massive critical success. The Opencritic score settled on 90 based on 74 reviews, with 99% of critics recommending the game.

Like we already mentioned, the Metacritic score for the PS5 edition of Tekken 8 is also 90, which gives it a Universally Acclaimed status and a Must-Play tag. PC score is even higher, 94, but Xbox lets it down with a “measly” 87.

All there’s left to do is wait for this Friday to try the game out ourselves!

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