Street Fighter League USA Ends On Thrilling Note

Femi Famutimi
2 min

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Street Fighter League USA Ends On  Thrilling Note
All eyes are now on the playoffs

Street Fighter League USA Standings

Pos  Team Points Battle Round
1 FlyQuest  290 +15 +22
2  Fighting Spirit 220 +6 +17
3 Cloud9 220 +6 +4
4 Bandits  220 +6 +6
5 Shopify Rebellion  200 +2 +3
6 Red Rooster 85 -35 -52

For the final regular game week, these are  the games that took place:

  • Red Rooster vs. Shopify Rebellion
  • Cloud9 vs. FlyQuest
  • Fighting Spirit vs. Bandits

The final week of the regular season of Street Fighter League USA served up some pretty incredible matches as Bandits were able to make a last-gasp charge to 4th place in the standings. This means that they will be in the playoffs. Also, the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place all finished with 220 points which is a first for SFL USA.

With Oil King scoring a victory over Luiman, and Caba taking a clutch set over DCQ, it all came down to Mena and NL. The former is a Capcom Cup champion, but this second season of Street Fighter 6 has been hard for him as he has struggled with something of a character crisis. On the other side, NL has had a fantastic CPT so far and has already defeated Mena this season. The two played up a legendary set with the set going to the last game. A crazy ending sequence from NL forced the tie into the very last round. But, with endless experiences, Mena was able to clutch it out and take the victory. 

In the other sets, FlyQuest cemented their spot at the top of the table defeating Cloud9 0-40 while Shopify Rebellion, while able to win Red Rooster 10-30, were ultimately dumped out of the tournament. 

Street Fighter League USA Week 10 Results:

Red Rooster vs. Shopify Rebellion

  • Uriel Velorio (Ken) 2 vs Sayff (Ken) 0
  • Ajax Fidelity (Ed) 0 vs NuckleDu (Guile) 2
  • Brutus (Zangief) 1 vs Dual Kevin (Rashid) 3

Cloud9 vs. FlyQuest

  • Booce (Ken) 0 vs Shine (Chun li) 2
  • JB (Rashid) 0 vs ChrisCCH (Ed) 2
  • Lexx (Guile) 2 vs Punk (Cammy/Akuma/Terry) 3

Fighting Spirit vs. Bandits

  • Oil King (Rashid) 2 vs Luiman20 (Dhalsim) 1
  • DCQ (Bison) 1 vs Caba (Guile) 2
  • NL (Akuma) 2 vs MenaRD (Blanka) 3

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