Capcom has revealed an upcoming collaboration between Street Fighter 6 and the popular anime series Spy×Family. To promote the new Spy×Family movie releasing soon, Spy×Family Code: White, Capcom has created a special animation short depicting a showdown between Spy×Family character Yor and Street Fighter mainstay Chun-Li.
The animation teases the upcoming crossover content fans can expect to see added to Street Fighter 6 soon. Details are still scarce, but players can likely anticipate Spy×Family-themed skins, costumes, and other cosmetic items being added to the game. The animation itself shows the two butt heads before ultimately deciding to team up, hinting we may see the characters interact in some capacity within gameplay.
This collaboration with the hugely popular Spy×Family series cross-pollinates two fanbases and may expose each franchise to new audiences. Fans eagerly anticipating the event can look forward to the Spy×Family Code: White film releasing on December 22 in Japan and beginning on January 9, 2024, SF6 will introduce limited-time collaboration items in conjunction with the upcoming release of the Spy x Family Code: White movie.
Check out the animated Spy x Family vs. Street Fighter 6 short below.