At the beginning of June, we told you about the collaboration between Street Fighter 6 and Onitsuka Tiger shoes and clothing brand. Today, their second collab appeared in the game. It will last until November 29.
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Become a PatronAt the beginning of June, we told you about the collaboration between Street Fighter 6 and Onitsuka Tiger shoes and clothing brand. Today, their second collab appeared in the game. It will last until November 29.
To receive some of the in-game items, you need to log in to the game, and if you finish one combo trial before the end of November, you will get a special Onitsuka Tiger SF6 T-shirt.
Street Fighter 6 often does collaborations with different brands. For example, in October, there was a partnership with Chipotle where players could get a burrito backpack for free.
For more news about Street Fighter 6, visit our hub.
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