Sparg0 Wins The Coinbox #83

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Sparg0 Wins The Coinbox #83
Another win for the Mexican player

Another edition of the Coinbox Ultimate gathered more than 700 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate players from North America. However, from all this variety of players, we still have the same winner. Edgar "Sparg0" Valdez is once again on the top with a perfect 10-0 run! Hungrybox posted the results of the Coinbox #83 with a really short comment: "sparg0at".

In the grand final Sparg0 defeated Sonix - we can say it has all the potential to become a classic rivalry (if it is not already). ShinyMark completes the top three.

If we speak about eight best players of the Coinbox #83, these are the standings:

  • 1. Sparg0
  • 2. Sonix
  • 3. ShinyMark
  • 4. TM7_ZAP
  • 5. Wrath
  • 5. Capitancito
  • 7. Scend
  • 7. MC

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