In a unique fusion of video gaming and fine spirits, Wakatsuru, a renowned whiskey producer, has teamed up with Arc System Works to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the iconic Guilty Gear series. This exclusive release, available only in Japan, features limited edition Saburomaru whiskey bottles adorned with Sol and Ky, iconic characters from the franchise.
A Tribute to Gaming History
Guilty Gear, a series celebrated for its fast-paced action and unique character design, first captivated gamers in 1998. Now, a quarter of a century later, fans can toast to its legacy with a whiskey crafted to embody the spirit of the game. The bottles will be adorned with artwork depicting Sol Badguy and Ky Kiske as they appeared in the original game, appealing not just to whiskey enthusiasts but also to collectors and fans of the series.
The Exclusive Lottery and Direct Purchase
Starting December 14, 2023, enthusiasts can enter a lottery to secure the Sol or Ky bottle. The winners will be privileged to own a piece of gaming and whiskey history. Direct purchases will be available from December 21, 2023, for those not leaving it to chance.
The Whiskey Variants
Each whiskey variant is a nod to its respective character's persona:
- Sol Badguy Version: Priced at 24,200 JPY, this robust whiskey mirrors the intensity of its namesake character. Expect a symphony of jam, dried figs, and a smoky finish, creating a strong and memorable flavor.
- Ky Kiske Version: For 23,100 JPY, this variant offers a gentler yet intricate profile. It begins with a fruity burst of white grapes and kiwi, transitioning into a smooth, custard-like sweetness, reflecting Ky's balanced and nuanced nature.
Both editions are bourbon-style grain whiskeys, with the 25th-anniversary blend priced at 8,800 JPY. It's a tropical, fruity whiskey with a spicy edge, evolving to uncover layers of vanilla, caramel, cocoa, and raisin.
A Collectible and a Connoisseur's Delight
These whiskeys are not just beverages; they are collectibles. Each bottle captures the essence of the Guilty Gear saga, making them a must-have for fans and whiskey connoisseurs. The collaboration symbolizes a blend of tradition and modern pop culture, offering a unique experience transcending gaming merchandise's usual boundaries.
As Guilty Gear continues to thrive in gaming, this collaboration with Wakatsuru offers fans a novel way to celebrate the series' 25th anniversary. Whether as a display piece or a fine spirit to enjoy, these whiskeys represent the enduring appeal and innovative spirit of Guilty Gear.