Skullgirls Valentine Will Receive a Design Update

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Skullgirls Valentine Will Receive a Design Update
The ninja nurse will now be just a little more ninja and a little less nurse

You might recall that in 2014, Valentine underwent a slight design chance with red crosses in her design being changed to fuchsia color due to potential legal concerns with the Red Cross organization. While Red Cross never issued a complaint, developers still had to cover this concern leading up to the Japanese PSN release of Skullgirls.

Years later, we have news that Valentine will be undergoing a more thorough redesign, with any cross designs changing to pink shurikens, in line with Valentine's ninja-themed moveset. This means that every frame of animation and all art of Valentine present in the game will undergo these changes. To celebrate it, Skullgirls artist Mariel Cartwright, whom some know as Kinucakes, has made an art piece featuring the new design.

The announcement post also features a small preview of how this new design will look like in the game.

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