Skullgirls Celebrate 12th Anniversary With Major Announcements

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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Skullgirls Celebrate 12th Anniversary With Major Announcements
There's much more to come from the game

Back in 2012, Skullgirls made its debut and the game has endured so much and has come out on the other side much stronger than ever before. The game's fanbase remains strong and Skullgirls even got its time in the sun as it was announced as a mainstage game at Evo for 2022.

In a post about their 12th year celebrations, the officials Skullgirls account outlined some of the new things that fans can look forward to. 

  • - Valentine's cross update!
  • - Skullgirls Championship Series 2024 finale
  • - Minette (and friends!) in Skullgirls Mobile! 

With so much going on, one can only anticipate what is to come next for this amazing game which has endured the long years and is for all intents and purposes, a cult  classic. 

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