Red Bull Hosting a Pre-Launch Tekken 8 Event in London

Sebastian Quintanilla
1 min

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Red Bull Hosting a Pre-Launch Tekken 8 Event in London
Images courtesy of Red Bull
Featuring Spag, Bubsy, and Tasty Steve on the mic to welcome in the next generation of Tekken.

With the imminent release of Tekken 8, Red Bull has decided to host an event in London showcasing the game at the Red Bull Gaming Sphere. It will start with a live stream on the 19th with Spag, Bubsy, and Taste Steve showcasing the game and interviewing Director Katsuhiro Harada and Producer Michael Murray. Then, on Sunday, the venue will be opened up to the public to play the game.

There will also be a handful of exhibition matches to end the stream on the 19th. Tekken 8 releases on the 26th.

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