Red Bull Gaming Releases Street Fighter 6 World Tour Doc Video

1 min

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Red Bull Gaming Releases Street Fighter 6 World Tour Doc Video
Source: Capcom
The developers talk in more detail about the game's story mode

Red Bull Gaming and Capcom have released another one short documentary on the creation of World Tour for Street Fighter 6.

Over 5 minutes, game director Takayuki Nakayama and game designer Yusuke Hashimoto share initial ideas, concepts, never-before-seen build excerpts, and the production of a story mode that will be "the door to the world of Street Fighter" for newcomers.

Street Fighter 6 will release worldwide on the 2nd of June, 2023, for PCPlayStation 4PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

You can check out the previous video from Red Bull Gaming about Street Fighter 6 via the link.

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