PSA Presents: MBTL Exhibition Matches

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PSA Presents: MBTL Exhibition Matches
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Panic Shield Anonymous is an organization behind the MBTL NA esports league PSA Circuit 2. We at DashFight has written about quite a few of its qualifiers, with Blitz Blood Melter #7 being the most recent one. Now, PSA has announced an interesting event beyond the Circuit — FT7 Melty Blood: Type Lumina Exhibition matches.

They happen on December 27, at 12 PM ET. The stream is on Kikoho’s Twitch channel.

Seeing MBTL players from three regions is such an exciting opportunity!

Kikoho, the creator of PSA, recently took a great step in his career as a player and a tournament organizer - he joined Blitz Team.

As for other MBTL (and UNI2) events, we should mark January 26 in our calendars, as French Bread Game Night happens on this day in Tokyo.

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