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Panda Drops Dr. Alan as CEO, Statement Imminent

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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Panda Drops Dr. Alan as CEO, Statement Imminent
It gets even deeper

The Nintendo/Panda/SWT drama has probably become a full-blown saga at this point. 

For a refresher on what happened, you can always check here.

However, things have developed as Panda has released a statement in which they announced that Dr. Alan is no longer their CEO. In the statement, Panda announced that Dr. Alan has stepped down and that the Panda Cup slated for this month has been postponed. The announcement comes after something of an exodus from the company, which has included staff, talent, and players. In it they pleaded with the community to treat those who have either parted ways with the company or still remain with it with grace and to call out any acts of harassment that may be leveled against such people. 

In a statement released soon after, Dr. Alan also announced that he would be putting out a statement of his own. He did leave on an ominous note claiming that Smash World Tour lied, and that Beyond the Summit had engaged in behavior harmful to the community. His statement has received a lot of backlash, with people unwilling to listen to him.

He claimed that he has evidence to support his claim; however, there is a feeling around the community that his attempt will be met with further vitriol. 


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