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NinjaKilla212 Plays Quan Chi: Multiple Kameos

1 min

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NinjaKilla212 Plays Quan Chi: Multiple Kameos
A video to learn tricks with this character

Quan Chi was added to Mortal Kombat 1 around a week ago. Naturally, pro players experiment with him and then share their discoveries in various videos.

It’s especially interesting to see what is possible to do with Quan Chi in real matches, not only in the training mod. NinjaKilla212 offers such an opportunity in his recent compilation. We can witness various Ft5 sets, where NinjaKilla212 plays Quan Chi.

The kameo fighters are important for building your gameplan with a character. In this video, we can see quite a few of them, such as different variations of Tremor (Aftershock, Metallic, Crystalline), Sareena, and Kung Lao.

There are quite a few opponents on the video. One of the most interesting is a mirror fight — Quan Chi/Sareena.

We should be quite attentive to absorb moves with this character and notice what assists are used in different situations. NinjaKilla212 does not give explanations — but the Grand Finalist of MK1 ECT 2023 can teach people just by his example.

For more basic info on this new character, check out this video guide on DashFight — How to Play Quan Chi in Mk1 by J Gleez.

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