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NASB 2 Drops a Couple of New Character Trailers

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NASB 2 Drops a Couple of New Character Trailers
Pic Source: GameMill Entertainment
Enjoy gameplay explanation for two new characters

The sequel of Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl brings more changes than just a few new fighters and visual polish. This is really good as no one wants to pay for a full game but get only a DLC.

Some mechanical improvements were demonstrated during Evo 2023. It was the first time we truly saw the upgraded version of the title. And the developers clearly want to deliver more of this impression. Recently, they showed how significant gameplay adjustments are for an existing character — SpongeBob. Now, we have two more trailers, for those who join the roster with Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2: Squidward and Jimmy Neutron. Let’s take a look!

Squidward Gameplay Trailer | NASB 2

Jimmy Neutron Gameplay Trailer | NASB 2

May Squidward be more successful at Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 fights than at his career as a сlarinet performer? May Jimmy Neutron use his genius mind to knock out opponent? We should probably wait for a proper release to find out.

Pre-orders for physical copies of the game are open. The release is planned for late 2023.

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