Player First Games has published patch notes for MultiVersus Open Beta version 2.1. In this update, the team added Marvin the Martian to the roster of fighters, fixed some bugs, and made balance changes. You can find the overall summary below:
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Become a PatronPlayer First Games has published patch notes for MultiVersus Open Beta version 2.1. In this update, the team added Marvin the Martian to the roster of fighters, fixed some bugs, and made balance changes. You can find the overall summary below:
Bug Fix: Reindog disconnect crash on PS4 consoles.
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where the Spectator could cause lag for players being spectated.
Betrayal signature perk enraged buff will apply 3x weakened stacks as outlined in the previous patch notes.
Batman’s hurtboxes while gliding are better aligned with the z-axis.
Bouncerang signature perk weakened stacks fixed to 3x as outlined in the previous patch notes.
Allies enraged by side special will apply 3x stacks of weakened down from 5x.
Change also applies to the projectile spawned by the Lingering Love signature perk.
(Fern Skin): BMO VO lines added to BMO summon.
Knockback angle adjusted to be more vertical to prevent repeated ground bounce.
Pushed knockback angle to be more horizontal to help address some infinite looping combos.
Set cooldown so that it is a “Static Cooldown” and is no longer affected by cooldown reduction perks/abilities.
Increased cooldown to 18 seconds from 14 seconds.
Enemies with a projectile block buff and are teleported through Rick's portal will no longer have their hitstun removed upon exiting the portal.
Fixed an issue where Evil Morty’s Victory animation would play at low framerate.
Set cooldown so that it is a “Static Cooldown” and is no longer affected by cooldown reduction perks/abilities.
Fixed a bug that would cause Stripe to teleport to his last hit target.
Ice breath is now limited by a resource meter.
We felt this change was necessary to prevent exceedingly passive infinite-Ice-Breath camping.
Note: Ice breath has higher ammo when playing online. The next patch will have offline’s ammo increased to match online.
Fixed an issue where “Sass” bubbles were not colliding with terrain.
Landing cancel window pushed to later to prevent being able to instantly attack with another move.
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