Last Coinbox Melee Tournament Will Happen On November 14

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Last Coinbox Melee Tournament Will Happen On November 14
$6,000 will be on the line

While the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate scene is continuing its development, the new community guidelines dealt serious damage to the Melee scene. The Coinbox, a weekly tournament hosted by Team Liquid, used to alternate Melee and Ultimate brackets, but now Melee tournaments will come to an end.

Hungrybox explained that the main reason is Nintendo's stance on different mods. While it is possible to host Ultimate tournaments with compliance, online Melee tournaments are almost impossible to host according to new community guidelines.

So, on November 14, there will be a final Coinbox Melee tournament with $6,000 on the line. We hope for a heartful farewell.

For more news about Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, visit our news hub.

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