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Just How Well Do you Know Mortal Kombat?

Femi Famutimi
Updated: 1 min

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Just How Well Do you Know Mortal Kombat
It's time to test your Mortal Kombat knowledge, how well do you know the best selling fighting game?

Mortal Kombat is one of the most profitable games of all time with millions of fans all around the world and even a couple of memorable (if not particularly) impressive movies to boot. So, it isn't uncommon to come across one or two people who say they are die-hard fans and know everything there is to understand about the game, its lore, and the characters that make up its story. Naturally, we want to check how true this is, which is why we have this pretty simple (believe me at your peril) quiz to check just how well you know the game. 

Go on! Give it a try! Who knows, you might even get a passing score. 

Try your hand

How did you do? A passing score? A failing grade? Whatever it is, at least now you know a little bit more about the Mortal Kombat series. If you want to try your hands at some other quizzes, why not check them out here?

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