How To Get Terry Immediately In Street Fighter World Tour Mode

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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How To Get Terry Immediately In Street Fighter World Tour Mode
To get the hungry wolf as a master, here's what to do

Terry Bogard will be the latest character to join the Street Fighter 6 roster on the 24th of September. Then, players will be a ble to use him in the game, but they will also be able to encounter him in World Tour mode where they can enroll and become acolytes under him. 

The official Street Fighter account has come forward to explain what players need to do to be able to train under Terry immediately. 

To access Terry, players must make sure they are already Ryu's disciple and have completed Chapter 11-4. 

Once done, his scenario will be available to the player from their hangout.

Terry's design has also gotten a lot of feedback with many impressed by how faithfully his SNK look was recreated. Speaking on this, Street Fighter 6 director, Nakayama, said that the team consulted with SNK and looked to recreate his iconic looks to accentuate his long legs. He also mentioned that the second outfit is a more modern look from his upcoming Fatal Fury: COTW 

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