Guilty Gear Strive Season 2 New Character Revealed

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Guilty Gear Strive Season 2 New Character Revealed
Source: Arc System Works
Sin Kiske will join the roster in a few days

Arc System Works has shared a roadmap for Guilty Gear -Strive- updates in the second season. During a stream on the IGN channel, the developers announced that Sin Kiske would join the roster of fighters on November 24, and the team will add two more unannounced characters to the fighting game during 2023.

Sin Kiske and his family appear in the epilogue of Guilty Gear -Strive-. In this scene, they are enjoying a moment of peace after the victory of Ky Kiske and Sol Badguy against I-No and Happy Chaos.

This bounty hunter is very familiar to all fans of the series and will appear here in an iteration close to the version from Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2. Sin still specializes in lightning-charged attacks and uses a war flag in battle, which he wields like a makeshift polearm.

You can find a lot of gameplay highlights in the stream record below:

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