Great Evo 2023 SF6 Set That You Probably Missed

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Great Evo 2023 SF6 Set That You Probably Missed
If you've been watching the Evo on Twitch there might be an amazing SF6 set that you missed out on!

It's no secret that SF6 is the biggest launch of a fighting game that we've seen in quite some time. It helps that the 1.0 version of the game is also fantastic and has everyone grinding out new tech and adapting to the radically new Drive mechanics. With such a success, it's not a surprise that thousands of people went on to register for Street Fighter 6 in this year's Evo. The result is a staggering amount of entrants, 7,061 to be precise.

With so many people, just being able to run the tournament smoothly is a testament to the tournament organizers who have been tirelessly making the cogs turn for the last few days. Unfortunately, it also means that some cool matches might happen in pools without us knowing, or they can slip by even in higher brackets, like what happened with the top 96 match between two SF legends from different generations, Daigo and MenaRD.

Luckily, Hungrybox was able to swiftly capture it and stream it on his Instagram. While the quality of the video left a lot to be desired, the quality of the match was exactly what you'd expect. Some time later, MenaRD also posted the set to his YouTube, so we can now enjoy it in full detail!

It seems like Daigo's Ken is sharp as ever. He managed to smoothly take the first match and made MenaRD switch to Luke, which seems to have worked out exceptionally well for the one and only two-time Capcom Cup champion, as he proceeded to win the set 2-1.

If you want to check out the reaction for both the crowd and the competitors, you can also check out Hungrybox's original stream that he also uploaded to YouTube.

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