Details on the online matchmaking in lobbies
Many practical adjustments to the game’s fighting mechanics were revealed in the recent dev stream. Now, we have a chance to peek at the online lobbies of Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising.
An official tweet demonstrates Match Stations. They are located in the middle of a floating island, which actually is an online lobby.
It’s not hard to guess how the stations work — a similar idea was implemented in Street Fighter 6. Something of the same sort can be found in online lobbies of other Arc System Works games. For example, Guilty Gear Strive has pixel-like battle stations. Players have to approach any of those to initiate a match or join it.
More details on online lobbies in GBVS: Rising can be found on the official website.
It will be super interesting to jump into the refreshed online experience of Granblue Fantasy Versus. Empty lobbies of the original game is one of the reasons why the game needs this reboot — our article also mentions other reasons for Rising, please check it out.