Ahead of its release in 3 weeks, Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising is showing off what it has in store for those looking to purchase the game, including some really nice quality of life features that many of us expect in a modern fighting game.
Starting off with the basics, single player is about what you'd expect. Arcade mode is in, and is fairly standard, but promises special endings if you can meet certain conditions. Versus mode is there if you want to fight against friends, and you will even be able to change the rules.
For those who want to get into the narrative of GBVSR, Story mode will over an RPG style adventure spanning 3 parts, similar to original GBVS, and speaking of that game, you will not need to play to original to jump into the story. All the previous story mode content will be included with Rising.
The details about online modes are a little space. For some reason, they decided not to outline the new party game style mode on their website, but did go over the other staples. Ranked mode is in and will have separate rank for each of the characters. Those who just want a relaxed game, can instead enjoy looser matchmaking restrictions in Casual Matches.
Unlike with Mortal Kombat 1, you can expect to see proper lobbies on release, though unfortunately, this feature will not be available to free edition player, which seemingly restricts their ability to play with friends.
Those who want to improve are eating especially good this time around. A simple frame data display is in the game, and will come alongside many other nice features, such as combo practice (essentially trials), character breakdowns that will help you understand their gameplay, and situation training that is meant to prepare you for more nuanced situations.
The latter is fairly similar to trials in other ArcSys games, where on top of normal training mode, you can practice specific match-ups, unique character nuances, and complex or difficult in-game interactions.
The last few features they show off are the Journal and Figure Studio. The first one is basically an encyclopedia, and your opportunity to dive deeper into the world of Granblue, learning about its many events, locations, and characters.
On the other hand, the Figure Studio will allow you to bring the world to live and create anything that your mind can come up with, using the environments, effects, items, and characters from the Granblue universe. If you're familiar with Strive's studio mode, you can imagine just how flexible this can end up being!
That's all they got for now, let's see how these features pan out on release in 3 weeks.