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Granblue Fantasy Versus Reveals a New Character

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Granblue Fantasy Versus Reveals a New Character
Pic Source: Granblue Fantasy Versus
The developers help the title rise once again

We have lots of exciting news about fresh releases in 2023. Street Fighter 6 looks (and feels) amazing! Tekken 8 will have closed Alpha testing at Evo Japan 2023, and we may get the full game this year. Granblue Fantasy Versus is eager to join this party.

The game gets an improved and extended version — Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising. It will have some cool features, and new characters are one of them.

A fresh addition to the roster was announced during the esports event GBVS Cygames Cup Special #3. Let’s just watch the trailer

Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising | Anila Reveal Trailer

This game is based on the Japanese role-playing game Granblue Fantasy. Naturally, Anila is one of the characters there. We should wait for more information to build an impression of her as a fighter.

The next Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising trailer is planned for March 4th.

Meanwhile, why not get excited about top-level matches in the current version of Granblue Fantasy Versus? Here is the Grand Final from the very event where Anila was revealed.

GBVS Cygames Cup Special #3 | Grand Final

(the stream is in Japanese)

Granblue Fantasy Versus is highlighted at many big esports events. For instance, the game is in the main lineup at Evo Japan 2023 (March 31 - April 4).

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