GetRekedYo Wins ShiraiRyuSunday 11

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GetRekedYo Wins ShiraiRyuSunday 11
Wallpaper Abyss
Seven wins, zero losses

Many regular tournaments have a loyal player base. ShiraiRyuSunday is a great example in the Mortal Kombat 1 community. The eleventh edition gathered around sixty-five players, some of the names being quite notable and respected. This time, Getrekedyo- was the strongest.

Seven sets won, zero sets lost - such a result can be considered great. In the grand finals, Getrekedyo- defeated Young_Chicuelo, who had an amazing lower bracket run with nine straight victories.

The best eight players of ShiraiRyuSunday #11 are:

  • 1. Getrekedyo-
  • 2. Young_Chicuelo
  • 4. TheMightyUnjust
  • 5. BigBirdMD
  • 5. POPTART964
  • 7. HoneyBee
  • 7. Spatial-garlic13

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