Fighting Games to Mainstream! How?

1 min

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Fighting Games to Mainstream! How?
Imagine the prosperous future of our favorite genre, in both dimensions of casual gaming and professional esports

We at DashFight strongly believe in the power of fighting games and their potential to reach the level of mainstream. In fact, it’s quite surprising that such a transition has not happened yet. 

Why do some other competitive genres, such as shooting games and MOBAs, have millions of viewers on streams and millions of dollars in prize pools? And a more important question — what can fighting games do to be the same big?

We discuss various aspects of bringing the fighting genre to mainstream in this new video on DashFight’s YouTube channel. Please, take a look! (And don’t forget to share your opinion in the comments section; we look forward to reading your fresh ideas).

In fact, many modern titles already take impressive steps in that direction. As the community, we need to support that movement — it opens bright new prospects for each and every one.

Still, even more brave actions are needed to really make a difference and break the reputation of fighting games being niche, an entertainment for a relatively small group of dedicated people.

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