EWC Street Fighter 6 Talent Made their Top-3 Predictions

Elizbar Ramazashvili
1 min

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EWC Street Fighter 6 Talent Made their Top-3 Predictions
All the familiar faces among the favs!

Street Fighter 6's EWC event is beginning soon, so all the on-air talent that's involved with it made their top-3 predictions, and they are... predictable. The players that have been mentioned are all on top of their game and could be easily considered favorites to win it all. Take a look:

Talent Player 1 Player 2 Player 3
RobTV MenaRD Punk Big Bird
Logan Sama Punk Gachikun Problem X
Jammerz Punk Big Bird Problem X
Saintcola AngryBird Kakeru Punk
Justin Wong Punk MenaRD Big Bird
Vicious Big Bird Punk MenaRD
James Chen Big Bird Gachikun Vxbao
F-Word AngryBird Kakeru Punk
YipeS MenaRD Dual Kevin Punk
Ryan Hart Punk Big Bird Problem X

It needs to be noted, however, that the pics are in no particular order.

Street Fighter 6 event at the Esports World Cup will be held on August 8-11.

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