Early Access Rollout for Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising

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Early Access Rollout for Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising
Should be up in all regions by the time you see this!

Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising is not only a name that rolls right off the tongue, it's also a fighting game that is coming out within just a few days, on December 14.

However, those who want to get their hands on it early can make use of their early access offer. The game's official twitter has posted a map with the rollout times for every region, which should mean that as of the time of writing this, it should be up and running in all regions.

If you are a Steam user, you might be wondering how to make use of this great opportunity, so here's a simple step-by-step guide:

  • 1. Buy a PlayStation

Yeah, unfortunately the early access is exclusive for consoles this time around, the rest of us will have to wait until the full release date, see you there!

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