DBFZ Hyperbolic Weekly: Regular Online Tourneys for US East and West

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DBFZ Hyperbolic Weekly: Regular Online Tourney for US East and West
Such events are a great opportunity to get experience in a top-level competitive environment.

While the fighting games community anticipates big offline tournaments, such as the soon-coming Combo Breaker 2022, let’s not forget about smaller online events — for example, Hyperbolic -Weekly-. It’s a tourney for Dragon Ball FighterZ players from the USA.

HBW is kind of an analog of the European Cloud SerieZ — they have the same organizer, Cloud_805. And every one of those tourneys has some well-known names among the participants. For example, you can see Coach Steve, LegendaryyPred, and Alekovich at HBW East 2 and West 2.

The next tournaments of this series happen on April 7. Meanwhile, we can enjoy the matches of the previous events.

DBFZ Hyperbolic Weekly, East 1 | Stream

Don’t miss the chance to demonstrate your skills at these events or just to have fun watching the matches! With the announced balance patch, we can expect DBFZ to be breathing and living for quite some time more.

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