He might not reveal what he listens to, but he does have a lot of other hobbies
DF: Give us five artistes you have on repeat right now?
MK_A: It might be weird but I am very shy when it comes to sharing a music. Even my best friend doesn’t know my music taste. I like to keep it private idk 😊
DF: What is your comfort media? What is the story behind your love for it?
MK_A: I don’t like to watch the same anime again but if I had to pick that would be either Monogatari series or Great teacher Onizuka.
DF: Comfort movie?
MK_A: I would say Jackie Chan movies.
DF: Comfort series?
MK_A: Better Call Saul
DF: What are your top 5 games outside of Mortal Kombat
MK_A: My top 5 is: 1) Hollow Knight 2) Batman Arkham City 3) Jackie Chan: Stuntmaster 4) The Last of Us 5) Resident Evil 4
DF: If you could name one game that defined your childhood, what would it be? Can you tell us about your relationship with the game?
MK_A: Jackie Chan Stuntmaster for Ps1 and Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks. I used to play these games a lot in my childhood and they have special place in my heart
DF: If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, and play one game for the rest of your life, what would your selections be?
MK_A: I would eat Chicken Teriyaki for the rest of my life lol. I would play Mortal Kombat X if it has good numbers of online playerbase and tournaments.
DF: What is one thing you don’t think anyone would believe you love, that you actually love?
MK_A: I really don't know