Caba Defends His Defend The North Title

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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Caba Defends His Defend The North Title
Caba was on hand to do it again

Bandits Gaming's Caba was the winner of Defend The North  X 2024 for Street Fighter 6 taking the title over Shine by winning in Grand Final, 3-2 after a very exciting set. 

This makes him a two-time champion having won it last year against MenaRD. The win was very impressive and showed again why he is one of the very best in North America. 

The top 8 also featured the likes of iDom who had been put in losers in top 24 and three difficult sets before finally succombing in losers finals against Shine. 

While a lot of top players are in Saudi Arabia right now to compete in the much bigger Esports World Cup, it was still a full house for Defend The North. With MenaRD transferred over to Falcons, the job of more or less carrying the Bandits name has fallen on Caba's shoulders and he has delivered with a scintillating performace that was rightfully crowned with a big win. 

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