Blizzard is willing to add its character to Super Smash Bros

Ilya Kravtsov
1 min

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Blizzard is willing to add its character to Super Smash Bros
Previously, there were rumors that Super Smash Bros could add a Tracer character, but those rumors dried up last year

Blizzard company announced they would like to see one of their characters (from Overwatch) added to Super Smash Bros. in the new DLC. During a recent Reddit AMA, Overwatch series director Jeff Kaplan revealed that, like any video game director, he would like to see an Overwatch character added.

In addition, Lead Hero Designer Geoff Goodman suggested Doomfist, a character added after the launch and who is inspired by fighting game heroes.

Previously, there were rumors that Super Smash Bros could add a Tracer character, but those rumors dried up last year. Since then, there have been zero rumors linking the two series. At the moment, all this remains a rumor, but it's speculation that has been making the rounds and for good reason.

According to Comicbook, the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Switch Lite game is still getting a few more DLC-characters. Earlier in the Super Smash Bros community, there was an unofficial survey of who players want to see as new characters.

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