Bandai Namco Snipes Tekken 8 Mod for Reina

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Bandai Namco Snipes Tekken 8 Mod for Reina
New rule or a one off exception? Hard to tell.

Just a day after we reported about Bandai Namco hitting tweets that showcase mods with DMCA strikes, they went and struck down one of the actual mods from the main modding platform for Tekken.

Spoilers ahead, but the mod in question was a skin that changed Reina's appearance to that of her Devil form that can be seen at the end of the game's story mode. It's basically a 1:1, since uhh, it's the actual model from the game files.

Some have already used this to justify the takedown, arguing that the mod would in some ways compete with Devil Reina as a character, should Bandai Namco actually release her as a character within the next 9 years. Even then, it's not clear how changing Reina's appearance would be comparable to a full on new character.

Worth remembering that you could easily mod Kazumi in Tekken 7 to take the appearance of her boss version, which is still possible and was seemingly never a problem.

If this goes on, Bandai Namco is currently on the fast track to stomp out the community's good will, and none of the people in charge are yet to comment on this situation.

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