The next level of minions in a fighting game
It’s been around a week since we got the reveal trailer, and now we all can see what Anila is capable of in the fights. The official YouTube channel of Granblue Fantasy Versus has published a gameplay video for this new character.
Anila joins the fighting roster thanks to the release of a new version of this game — Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising. She is a character from the original RPG, and certainly, Anila brings many of her features to the fighting matches, such as her sheep.
Anila in Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising | Gameplay Trailer
Anila fights with a spear-like sword and has pretty hilarious moves, many of which are based on summoning sheep of different sizes. It might not sound dangerous, but I would avoid those fluffy cute animals in GBVS: Rising.
The video confirms the date for the next trailer. As it was expected, we will get something interesting during Evo Japan, March 31 - April 4, where GBVS is highlighted as one of the main titles.