With the release of Tekken 8, there are a variety of options to experience the latest installment of the venerated 3D fighter franchise. In this article, you will find all the information you need to decide which game edition best fits your wants and needs.
Tekken 8 Editions
Digital Deluxe
Digital Ultimate
Base Game (Digital)
Base Game (Physical)
Playable Character Year 1 Pass
Avatar Skin: Kinjin
1 Costume for every character (32)
Avatar Costumes (32 designs)
Avatar Skin: Kazuya Mishima
Avatar Skin: Jin Kazama
Avatar Skin: Jun Kazama
Figurine (LED + 1 USB Port)
Arcade Token
Collectible Card (8)
Packing (rigid Box)
Branded O-ring
Standard Edition
As you might have already expected, the standard edition only comes with the base game and is available through digital purchase via Steam (for PC), the Xbox, and PlayStation stores for their respective platforms: Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5. The base game includes all the game modes, like the story, arcade, replays, customization, and more for all 32 playable characters. This version currently retails at around $55.99 US Dollars, though regional pricing may vary.
Digital Deluxe Edition
Going up to $79.99, it's the Digital Deluxe Edition, which provides all year one characters; this is DLC content to be released later, as well as a new avatar skin for your character and a gold suit costume for all 32 base characters.
Digital Ultimate Edition
The last of the digital offerings, for $87.99, you can purchase the Ultimate edition, which comes with more digital goodies on top of all the previous ones. It includes new shirts for your Avatar, 32 in total, as well as models based on Kazuya, Jin, and Jun.
Collector's Edition
The final edition on offer by Bandai Namco for now is the Collector's Edition at $299.00. It contains all the digital goods of the previous tiers, while also including physical items:
TEKKEN 8 - Base Game
Exclusive Electrified Jin Figurine (25 CM)
Special Face-Off Steelbook
8 Glossy Collectible Cards
Leroy Smith Metal Ring with Velvet Pouch
Arcade Token (5 CM)
It is only available through the Bandai Namco store, from which you can select which you can select if you want the PC (via Steam gift card), PS5, or Xbox X|S version.
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