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Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising

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Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising
Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising


Yuel is a playful Erune who seeks to restore an ancient lineage.Know more

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Character abilities

  • Offense: 9

  • Defense: 3

  • Range: 4

  • Mobility: 6

  • Difficulty: 4




Yuel is an Erune that’s descended from the ancient noble bloodline of Foxfire wielders. She’s able to control this ancient ancestral power with her dances, and she isn’t shy about using it. Her biggest goal is to try to restore her lineage by finding its true heir. Her travels lead her to the Grandcypher and its crew, and with them, she’s happily roaming the Skydom, frequently distracted from her main objective.


Yuel is a very playful and energetic girl, and also quick-witted. She often banters with her childhood friend Societte. While she can be laser-focused on the task at hand, she’s also quite easily distracted, especially if said distraction is in the form of food. She’s especially fond of fish.


Yuel is a quintessential rushdown character, with her quick mids and a plethora of mixup options. Her stance allows her to put out constant pressure, and despite lacking high damage, she’s able to whittle down the opponent’s health in no time.


Yuel is a very beautiful Erune from the ancient lineage. Her big Erune ears are the same bluish-black color as her hair, and she wears big bells near them as a decoration. Her skirt is quite short, allowing for maximum agility for her strong legs. Her defining characteristic is, however, her huge and fluffy tail.

Key Information:

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Height: 160cm

Race: Erune

Hobbies: Looking for shooting stars

Likes: Dillydallying, Societte, looking for treasure

Dislikes: Heavy conversation

Debut Fighting Game: Granblue Fantasy Versus

Availability: Base Game

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