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Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising

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Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising
Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising


Seox is a claw fighter who attacks in lightning-fast flurries.Know more

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Character abilities

  • Offense: 8

  • Defense: 5

  • Range: 4

  • Mobility: 9

  • Difficulty: 6




Right now, Seox is an Eternal and the master of the claw, but what do we know about the past of the person hiding behind the mask? His past wasn't all bright and beautiful; he had taken many lives, but now he looks forward to saving lives and using his mastery for a good cause.


Seox is a character who has been in some tough situations. That's why he tries to cover his true feelings under the mask. When he does not have it on, Seox is timid and nervous.


Seox is a swift rush-down character. His primary weapon is his mobility, and it would require more skill for an opponent to find counterplay. However, keep in mind that his range of attack is short.


He is wearing a coat, white on the outside, red on the inside, and a grey and black bodysuit with a black and bronze guard.

Key Information:

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Height: 174 cm

Race: Erune

Hobbies: Pruning shrubs

Likes: None in particular

Dislikes: Social interaction (Doesn’t realize it)

Debut Fighting Game: Granblue Fantasy Versus

Availability: Base game

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